How to protect yourself from mosquit at nature?

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes?
All mosquito repellents have long been known. This is primarily repellents – various sprays, lotions, ointments, spirals that repel insects.

But do not forget that such remedies can be hazardous to health. For example, as Life previously told, in some popular repellents, the main component is diethyltoluamide. This chemical substance when applied excessively (and repellents are usually sprayed throughout the body in abundant quantities) has a neurotoxic effect (that is, it affects the nervous system – for example, cramps, headache, fainting).

– This component of repellents is toxic, therefore unsafe in terms of application. In addition to possible allergic reactions, it can irritate the nervous system. If it gets inside the body or on the mucous membranes, poisoning is possible until death, ”explained chemist Anastasia Naumova.

According to the expert, you need to carefully read what is written on the package and pay attention to whether the repellent has passed all the verification procedures (is there GOST, a positive review by the Ministry of Health).

– Of course, a significant part of repellents is harmless. But if you choose non-toxic and apply them correctly (spray without getting on the mucous membranes and without swallowing the contents of the spray can), then there will be no problems, ”added Anastasia Naumova.

According to entomologist Marina Krivosheina, repellents have established themselves as effective insect repellents. But there are other ways to protect.

– If you are going to relax in the forest, you should put on light clothes and put a mosquito net on your face. At home, it is also advisable to install such a grid on the windows. It is necessary to protect animals as well – they also have repellents, ”she said.

In general, the expert summarizes, the most effective and safe way to fight mosquitoes is to use mosquito traps based on octenol mosquito attractant, as well as a number of measures aimed at preventing mosquito reproduction in your territory. First of all, control over possible places of their reproduction, such as small ponds, pools, as well as places with high humidity.

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